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Since we’ve determined that cyclists shaving [legs] is mostly vanity, let’s consider the practicality of a simpler shaving task;  the ArmPit.  Body builders save their armpits; all that hair is simply too distracting.  Armpit hair is something like nose hair; it demands to be trimmed [removed].  In our hyper-hygienic world, we sanitize, manitize, pedicate, wax, coif, scrub, bleach, electrolysize, laserize, liposuck, deodorize, moisturize, defoliate and pluck.  When ya’got armpit hair, that’s where the deodorant goes; all over the hair.  The idea of applying deodorant directly over armpit hair just never made sense to me.  Applying deodorant directly to a cleanly shaved armpit, now that makes sense.  Armpit hair with all that white powder, gel crusted,  nonsense is just absurd.

Don’t wait.  Stop deodorizing your armpit hair and get closer to the source of the scent.

Save your legs -  Shave your armpits.  Be Animaux.

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