It was only a Matter of Time: the Stop Sign Ticket
I’ve been riding over 28 years with a lot of the same boys, in the Peloton, on the streets of the Southland where we regularly ignore vehicle codes. Today is the first moving violation while on a group ride; running a stop sign. That’s some damn good luck we’ve had.
We were ambushed. Not that it wasn’t deserved. Apparently the local residents have complained bitterly to the authorities and a “sting” was set up to trap law-breakers.
Venue: Turtle Rock descent to Shady Canyon. The left turn at the park, at the bottom of the Turtle Rock descent, before the right turn onto Shady Canyon, was being watched by the local police. Jake and Joel were at the front and made the left turn without a thought of slowing down [normal procedure]. They ignored the Prius waiting to turn at the opposing stop-sign, on the left, at the intersection. Everyone else managed to comply with vehicle regulations; not because we are more inherently law-abiding, but because we were waffling in the confusion of Jake and Joel’s apparent hesitations and reluctance to continue. In the intervening seconds it took us to get to the intersection, there was also the necessity to seriously consider the Prius [turning right or left]; we also heard a loud speaker announcement and then saw the patrol car sitting there.
It was a very polite encounter. Mr. Jake took the hit. Joel was honorably standing-by, waiting for his ticket too, but apparently the officer was satisfied with issuing a single violation.
The ticket could cost Jake as much as $400.00.
I believe everyone should contribute to the expense of the ticket.
Let’s find out the exact amount of the fine and devy it up between us all. Jake’s gonna have to bear the burden of the “points” against his license.
Contributing to the fine is the least we can do. We were all there together.
Posted: August 13th, 2011 under Features.
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