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Stuff to Love


In the mid-80s, after the Los Angeles Olympics and with the new velodrome at Dominguez Hills College, Southern California was abuzz with Velo-Fever. At the time, Deborah Shumway was at the center of a lot of cycling talent that came through Long Beach.  One year, some of her team-mates came to town for a few weeks and it was a big party.

I’ll never forget Eileen Furey.  She was all of about 5′ 3″, a petite fire-plug of a women with a mean sprint,  loved weight training and infected me with her enthusiasm for squats.  She couldn’t have weighed more than 110 lbs.

Feel the Weight:  She loaded the olympic bar with 8 plates.   Eileen said “We’re just gonna feel the weight. Put your shoulders under the bar and push. Don’t try to move it, just feel the weight.  Nudge it, but don’t fight it.”  Then she took a couple plates off and left 6.  “Ok, feel it? Push it, go ahead, lift it and stand straight!” she said.  What a great introduction.  I didn’t actually squat the 6 plates, I just lifted it off the rack, but it was the start.  I loved it.  I’ve not seen Eileen since but I think about her every time I press the bar against the top of the shoulders and feel the weight.

Squat Animaux!

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