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Campy EPS. Shimano Di2.

When you consider the advancement in the micro-technology of servo motors, batteries and their application in  derailleur componentry, the mechanical equivalent almost seems antiquated now.

When electronic shifting was first introduced by Shimano it seemed extravagant.  Now that Campagnolo has officially released their version it’s all very fait accompli.

From the beginning, the technology was perfectly understandable;  servo motors have ruled the world for decades.  In a search for solutions, it never seemed imperative to apply servo-motors to expand and contract a tiny parallelogram already well served by other simpler, and thoroughly elegant, devices.

The question, my Freddie, is why sUpER complicate {albeit sUpER sublime} an extant solution that is functionally simple and mechanically efficient with few [if any] design flaws?  The replacement solution is very elegant in many regards but absolutely ridiculous in so many others.  We removed a cable & mechanical indexing with electric wires, a battery, control buttons, servo-motors and embedded micro-circuitry.

As much as there is to appreciate and love, it doesn’t dispel an overpowering sense of ridiculousness in an over-applied technological solution to a problem that simply did not exist.  Although, it’s hard to resist being at the top of the componentry game. Mr. Bubbles loves electronic shifting.

Now, we can truly marvel at the beauty in the designs of fully mechanical derailleurs and celebrate their purity and simplicity.

The photo above was copied from a website that displays a very cool collection of derailleurs: click the link to visit

Also, you’ll enjoy a discussion about the 2nd coming { Campy vs. (Shimano & SRAM) } at

eLeCTric Animaux!

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