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Stuff to Love


There was A LOT of FAT in that New Year’s Day Peloton {you know what I mean}.  There were some fit boys but even some of the fastest got a little bit of muffin top and a pretty soft center {you know who you are}.

We love riding the bike; Great exercise; Keeps you fit;  It’s good for you.

Blah.Blah.Blah. You know the rides like the back your hand and so does your metabolism.

I pushed the pedals over 12,000 miles in 2011 and cannot eat nearly the same quantities as my 13 year old son and I can’t help but think there’s just something wrong about that.  His metabolism is dealing with a developing body.  My metabolism is simply dealing with consumption.

The calories you burn during exercise isn’t what keeps the fat off; it’s about getting the metabolic furnace burning hotter all day long.  The hotter the furnace, you more calories you burn; all day long.

Cross-Fit is a kick ass approach to fitness; short intense work outs, something different everyday.  The secret to firing up the metabolism is keeping the workouts varied; don’t settle into the same exercises all the time.

It makes sense.  Make a commitment for 2012; light up the fire and improve your nutrition.

Try to keep up with Heather Bergeron.  She use to be a distance athlete.
Now she’s just bad-ass.

Google her [here].  Vist &

Junk-up your Bike-Fit / Jack yourself up with your own flavor of Cross-Fit stuff.
You know you want it.

Be Mas Animaux!

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