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Stuff to Love


conversation tuesday morning, 6am @the pre-ride gathering, spirited around, uh-huh, that’s right, sQuAt{s}.

and there was super-freddie {hegg}, in the pre-dawn dark, under the dull fluorescence of a gReen’D out energized bulb, casting a dim yellow light on the back porch, demo-ing perfect sQuAT form [ass jack-cocked out, back straight, head up, chin tilted forward] telling a story about his dad and lou ferrigno from 1981 (before the ferrigno became the hUlK).

as the story goes; hegg senior was talking to ferrigno about his over-zealous cycling crazed kids and ferrigno, super-fit performance guru, suggests  the brats do sQuAt{s} to improve their power output.

according to the hUlK master; sQuAt{s} increase the volume of the buTT.  puts more mass in the gluts. super-charges the aSs and specifically increases the quAniTy of blood an athlete has to nitro-blast the engine.

there you have it. straight from the ferrigno himself.

manana, after the ride, sQuAt SPriNt{s}

qUieReS sQuAt{s} AniMaUx!

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