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Stuff to Love


From where does the source of power to the pedal originate?

The legs?
The lungs?
The heart?
The soul?
One’s character?
Rule-V ?

Well, it could easily come from any one of these sources, but I suggest, to surmise the potential in the power-volume of the canon-blast, simply consider the squareness of the ass.  That’s what I’ve discovered by simple observation.

Consider the two examples on the left.

The round ass just doesn’t convey a sense of optimism for power, whereas the square ass is more like a locomotive ass; a machine built for power, an ass angled for the efficient delivery of force, squarely to the pedal.   Applying vector analysis, the normal of force applied by the square ass is greater than the normal of force from the curved ass.  Simple physics.  While the source of power may primarily derive from the ass, as analyzed with a little vector analysis, each was simply a gift by the grace of god, although some do more with the gifts of god than others and some leverage their gifts to success in spite of god’s comedies.

Where the ass is concerned, there’s always a residue of curiosity. You say to yourself that the ass has nothing more to tell you, that you haven’t one more minute to waste on it, and then you start in again just to make absolutely sure that the subject is exhausted, you learn something new about it after all, and that suffices to launch you on a wave of optimism.

You pull yourself together, you think more clearly than before, you start hoping again even if you’d given up hope altogether, and inevitably you revert once more to the ass, the same old story. Indeed, there are always, at all ages, discoveries to be about the ass.

[The last two paragraphs are by an author of notoriety.  Can you name the writer?]

LHOOQ Animaux!

Photo: Man Ray 1930, La Priére (Prayer)

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