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Stuff to Love


The training peloton is a bEaST and jacks-out its aggression through the power of raw speed and when the bEaST picks up momentum its sinewed muscles tense and its balance can get precarious.

In a perfect jungle world the bEaST runs smooth{ly} but on the highway sometimes stuff gets in the way and sHiT happens; things go bLaMo and the bEaST devours its own!

At 30+mph, following inches from the wheel in front, stuff on the road jumps out suddenly; you’re jack’d-up on the gas, spunked-out on adrenalin, making blindingly quick decisions, most of them tempered by years of experience and warrior-like instincts, fate is not always on your side.  The echelon is like a tango; it’s a dance of trust and cooperation.

On Saturday’s ride, coming home from Laguna Canyon, the peloton’s nostrils all fired-up, fuming and running at speed, No-Neck slammed a stanchion in the road {going north just before Cappy’s Cafe}. It grabbed his front wheel and fork and catapulted his ass across the pavé like a rocket skidding on re-entry; the pictures tell the story.

When the crash is behind you, there’s only the noise giving you a clue; the sound of carbon hitting the pavé is much different than steel and both equally chilling. You want to look back but you know better than that; wait until the deafening cacophony of alarm clears the air and you can safely stop.  All the dominoes of fate were lined up in the instant before the noise pierces your senses. Once the sound penetrates into your brain, the lizard-cortex reaches back in time to take an account of what it knew in those preceding moments so it can formulate a strategy of action to maximize survival.  Don’t look back, it could turn you into a pillar of salt{ed} raw meat.

Jeff went down HARD.  Not a whimper nor thought of accusation of fault.  He stood up, walked over to the curb and sat down.  Never did you sense there was wrinkle in his composure.  That’s one tough hombre.

Other than scraps and bruises, the deepest insult will be to his wallet.  We were lucky and relieved there was no serious injury.

gRacias á dIoS Animaux!

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