bike racers like to compete. it’s the nature of the beast.
- wanna haLf wHeel mE? bITcH!!
- race up the hill? bITcH!
- stRaVa segMenTs? bITcH!
- drop the hAmmER on yOR’aSs! ? bITcH?!
- rULe V. bITcH!!
- you’re wEAk. bITcH!!!
- shLAm tHe shLoNG. bITcH!!
- dROpPeD yoUR aSs. bITcH!
- aRm.wReSTle me NoW. bITcH !!!
Quien eS’Ta dA’bITcH nOw Animaux!
Posted: March 20th, 2012 under Features.
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