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Stuff to Love


Drag Racing Single Speed Style.

The Wolfpack.Hustle Midnight Drag Race took place in the 2nd St. Tunnel in downtown Los Angeles in March 2007. The night was filled with surprises, not the least of which was LA Parking Enforcement blocking off both ends of the tunnel with flares and cones. LAPD showed up but didn’t even bother to question anyone.

Wolfpack.Hustle is a Los Angeles Phenomenon.  The kid (Edgar / 28 yrs) who won the single speed dog tags for the WolfPackHustle LA Marathon Crash Race(2012) is a Long Beach resident.  WolfPackHustle raced JetBlue from Burbank to Long Beach for the Carmeggedon Bike/Fly race (see  The lattice of coincidence is becoming more and more intriguing and I gotta get jack-cranked closer to the essence of the connection.

Lattice d’COn Animaux!

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