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Stuff to Love


Bike shops get all sleepy, dreamy, and affectionate with the big names and their spooning relationships scoop out a gouge and mess with minds too weak to resist easy temptations.  It bends ideals and gets perspectives off track.  As a good friend who meets with me from time to time out on the lattice of coincidence recently said “… it’s all about maintaining the faith and respect for our esthetic creature” because after it’s all said and done, what d’ya got left when you’re swayed by the Song of the Monocoque Sirens singing simple one-size-fits-all esthetic ideals; Giant, Trek, Cannondale and Specialized and all their wannabe usurpers.

I also have friends who profess to using a bike as a tool; well designed, in the top 95 percentile for performance; just ride it!  But note; they’re not driving Toyota Camrys.

Baum Cycles: Australia

You B’Animaux!

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