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Stuff to Love


Pumbaa went so hard on the Wednesday sprint he dislodged some plaque from an artery that caused enough chest pain he knew one thing and one thing only:  “Get me to the Hospital.“  After 2 hours of evaluation in E.R. the chunk moved itself into the widow maker position (completely blocked blood flow) and took him to the edge of the here-after.  They had to electric paddle the Pygmy Boy back to life; looks like you gotta get your ass spanked on both sides of the life equation.   Apparently this was Mr. Styker’s (near?) death experience.  If he had gone home instead of the hospital, we would of had a ceremony to attend.  The question on everyone’s mind when he came back was the typical “what was it like?”   He had the entire unit in a buzz.  They say, when people are revived,  some shyte themselves,  some cry hysterically and  some claim the glory of the almighty.  According to Pumbaa “It was swEEEEEEEEEEET.“  His agnostic/atheistic tendencies have been validated;  Scott told the big guy “you’re weak you little pygmy“  and “…if anyone is looking for something in the afterlife, they’re gonna be really disappointed.“  The grim reaper lost the sprint and blew his opportunity.

He’s got a stint in his artery and according to the doctors he’ll recovery and be back on the bike. Watch out Pete!  The challenge is only delayed.

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