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Here’s a note Chris Lotts posted on Facebook regarding Scott Styrker’s heart attack.

Please note:  the content below was copied exactly as it was found on FaceBook (6/18/11)

Christopher Lotts

You had a heart attack after the Wednesday Chronic Douchebag ride???? hahahahahahahahahaha!!!! You are not a racer, you’re a bike rider-take it easy, that would be Hegg’s advice!!!!

If you’re unfamiliar with Chris Lotts, visit his websites:
California Bicycle Racing:
Chris Lotts Blog:

The Douchebag Implosion Phenomenon & the Gravity of Depravity:
when a douchebag runs out of fuel in its core, starts to cool and all the external mass caves in;  it’s the heat from its own internal hot-air that keeps the douchebag expanded against its depravity.

implosion - a sudden inward collapse
collapse - a natural event caused by something suddenly falling down or caving in; “the collapse of the old douchebag under its own depravity”

gravitational collapse – the implosion of a douchebag resulting from its own depravity; the result is a smaller and less audible douchebag

For a definition of douchebag, see Urban Dictionary: douchebag

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