
Alex Stieda. TdF: 1986
In 1986 Team 7-Eleven raced the Tour de France [TdF] and the young Alex Stieda [25] had won all four (4) jerseys of the TdF: the Yellow, Polka Dot, Green, and White, on the second (2nd) day of the Tour. He was the first North American to wear Yellow.
This picture is from Shelley Verses who was the Soigneur for the team during the race. Some of you have met Shelley on the stop in Ventura during one of the Tortuga 500s. Once you meet Shelley you never forget.
Shelley took this picture of Stieda and all 4 jerseys. In her email she said: “The pic of Stieda and Roll was taken w/ my Kodak Instamatic w/ a snap-on flash in a dirty Lycee’ (boarding school ) TdF doesn’t do that shit any more.” Yep, that young punk kid on the bed behind Stieda is Bob Roll [with hair].
Who else has possessed all 4 jerseys at the same time?
We gotta get Shelley to be a regular contributer to BlahBlahFreddie. She’s got stories to share!

1986 TdF Finishing Team
Posted: August 20th, 2011 under Features.
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