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According to the developer, you control shifting with brain waves. Currently the concept is in development; the video demonstrates a prototype.

Initially, the cyclist trains the control through an iPhone app [in development too] until the neural technology associates a thought with the neurotransmission [huh?].  When that neuro-link is established, the rider will be able to shift gears using the same nuero patterns.

The big question: Is the average Freddie IQ adequate to control this device?

I dunno. It’s tough enough just sitting in the pace-line thunk’n’bout that wheel in front of you, let alone trying to thunk the derailleur into action.

The Prius X Parlee is sponsored by the bikemaker Parlee and Toyota as part of its Prius Projects program.  To see the details of each phase in the development of the concept, visit the project’s website

Be Animaux.  Stay off da Chiz’ záin.

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