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Stuff to Love

cYcLe.CHic>Bondi Beach Cruisers.[B.B>C]

Cycle Chic is a burgeoning World Phenomenon.  It was  started in Copenhagen by Mikael Colville-Andersen.  He has 17,000+ photos on Flickr documenting his vision of what it means to be Cycling Chic in Copenhagen and other cities around the world.  [Based on a non-scientific analysis, about 90% {the photos I've seen} are beautiful women on bikes].

Here’s a video featured on CycleChic and its description by Mikael:   “This is brilliant. A cool film feat. Australian Cycle Chic for Bondi Beach Cruisers made by +61 Collective.   Cycle Chic is lovin’ this  . . .

BlahBlahFreddie is Lovin’It { I think the appeal is . . . well, due to its Trés Chic quality }

B’Animaux !!

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