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Stuff to Love


Mexican American family culture is dominated primarily by the matriarchal head of state {which may explain why machismo is so endemic}.

Her power is maintained through a fine balance of fear and love, the deliverance of which is well calculated for maximum impact.  Everyone trembles in her presence in nervous anticipation of a well deserved slap due to one’s momentary lapse of absolute respect or some indiscretion of which she’s become all too aware.

In a single gesture she simultaneously admonishes and lavishes her adoration upon you and you’re happy for both because one without the other is an incomplete love.

Uhhhmmmm?  Does this sound all too familiar as the love dynamic in your Freddie Peloton?  Every Velo-Joint has its Abuelita.

Happy Thanksgiving.  We have a lot for which to be grateful.

Love! Animaux.

Picture: the MexicanSongBird’s beloved abuelita.

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