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Stuff to Love


The idea that you blow snot on yourself is unthinkable to the inconsiderate Freddie in the peloton.  Oh no! Those Freddies (Tri-Frieddas & other Chicas too) prefer to crane their necks far off to the side so when the juices blow, the poisonous snot goes wide and clear of themselves, all over everyone else riding in the draft of their voodoo vapor; sizzling on the eyeballs of the innocent; infecting everyone else with their voodoo virus and such.

Also, you’ll notice those same Freddies turn their heads far to the side and hawk a big wad of spit & slimy loogies straight out and then act surprised that it could fly back and spray someone in the face who happens to be in the spit-stream of their thoughtlessly ejected voodoo juices.

One has to constantly implore those Freddies to simply blow snot straight down or on the sleeve.  Yes, straight down all over your fine jersey, vest and shorts; wash the stuff when you get home after the ride, along with all the other road grim; heaven forbid you get your own spit and slim on yourself.  Everyone sees you picking your nose anyway.

And when you spit; spit straight down in that space defined between the extent of your elbow and leg; straight down at the ground, not out to the side where the flash back surely contaminates the unsuspecting.

Some Freddies will intentionally ride wide and clear of the peloton before they eject their juices so they don’t spoil their appearance or contaminate others. Although, when you’re on the rivet you don’t always have that luxury.

It’s always puzzling to witness the guilty act surprised when they’re reprimanded for their indiscretions.

Pas de Voodoo Vapor Animaux!

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