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Stuff to Love


(100 grams)
Granola-Bar Ding-Dong
Protein 7.7g 3.9g
Total lipid (fat) 6.3g 24.2g
Carbohydrate, by difference 77.4g 56,7g
Ash 1.4g 1.57g
Energy 397kcal 460kcal
Water 7.2g 12.5g
Sugars, total 43.2g 40.5g
Fiber, total dietary 5.3g 2.3g
Calcium, Ca 36mg 4mg
Iron, Fe 5.3mg 2.3mg
Potassium, K 238mg
Sodium, Na 251mg 301mg
Cholesterol 17mg
Fatty acids, total saturated .73g 13.8g
There are Engineered Foods [you know, stuff designed (marketed) to make you to believe it's serious and good for you] like GU and there’s just plain good ol’Snack Foods.  It’s a tradition; the rest stop (for snacks) on the long ride has always been an excuse to eat good tasty shit. When the physiology is falling apart nothing satisfies like a Hostess Ding-Dong, Pop-Tarts, Fig Newtons and Coca Cola to wash it down; fast sugar, tasty fat, easy carbohydrates and lots of caffeine in disguise.

Look at the numbers; when you compare the nutritional values of a Granola-Bar (with dried fruit and nuts) and Ding-Dongs, there’s not too much difference except for the fats; big deal – the fat is what makes them so damn tasty – the human brain craves fat { & alcohol }.  Now, if  Ding-Dongs were a main component of your regular diet you’d develop some problems.

You should eat the serious stuff {Pygmy Scrots [dried figs], granola bar, Cliff and protein bars} all along the ride to sustain energy and then blast some tasty jacked-out Ding-Dongs and a Coke at the rest stop to celebrate;  like champagne and caviar baby.

You know you want it.   It’s a pleasure to fuel the furnace with tasty junk.

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