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Stuff to Love


For years, even in my youth, waking up in the morning has never been one of those televised events of a glorious experience of sunshine & morning dew freshness; it always feels like I’ve been run over by a truck. Smack damn.

The other day after a hard peloton session in the morning, freighted up to a big-weight squat session at night, all the muscle and connective tissue were aching & screaming; crank-jacked and nasty.  Told myself: Hey! What about that aspirin shit?  Popped two Bayers, went to bed and what a fabulous morning it turned out to be.  Damn!  I’m hooked.  I’ve taken all those other anti-inflammatorial recommendations {motrin, advil, ducktin, wackton, wankton, you name it} and never felt a moment of relief in any regard.

Big ass punch for a couple of little pills.

Rx Animaux!

BlahBlah disclaimer:
Aspirin isn’t for everyone.
If you’re considering an anti-inflammatory, it’s simple relief.
Ask your doctor.
There’s plenty of literature to read.

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