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Stuff to Love


Remember Sunday is Earth Day {it’s a Cog-Joint Event®©™}. I’ll be riding from Long Beach up the L.A. River trail to downtown Los Angeles then head west to the L.A. County Museum of Art (LACMA) on Wilshire just west of La Brea to join LACMA’s Earth Day festivities.  Mr. Michael Bauch {of Long Beach} will be showing his award winning documentary “Riding Bikes with the Dutch” at 2:oo pm in the Leo S. Bing Theater followed by a question and answer session.

Departure: 9:30 am (Clark & Atherton) with a short beer stop at Wurstküche (opens at 11:00) in the Arts District {DownTown L.A.} for libations and refreshments and then we’ll wander across the city to the museum.

The MexicanSongBird will roll the cog from the velo-nest at 9:25 to meet whoever shows up at Clark & Atherton.  Planned Route: north on Clark to Rosecrans, west to the River Trail, exit at Atlantic.

¡Vámonos Animaux!

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