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Stuff to Love


I’m no Lance-Lover {or hater} but enough is enough.  The hard line of the USADA confuses me.  I’ve heard nothing that  justifies the attack.  {yeah, yeah; he said, she said, we’re heard those stories.} The U.S. judicial system tends to work well and the glory of the U.S. Constitution follows some fairly decent guidelines but apparently it’s not enough for the USADA.  Thi$ man jacked OUT the entire Cycling Indu$try and without a doubt created a lot of friends and enemies, pa$$ed every drug te$t admini$tered, created an avalanche of media attention that helped fuel a full cadre of  U$ Pro Cyclist$ to national attention and yet the attack$ continue.  This is like Cycling Industry HIV {its own style of Auto-Immune Deficiency}.   “More than a dozen witnesses” [LA Times] {is that how many are willing to testify against the strongman?} should be flip’n the bird, not sing’n a song.  Sounds like a lot of Weakness to me.  They’re let’n us down on Rule-V.

I ask the USaDa a simple question: Can you give us a reason to Love you?

It’s time for some Machiavellian affections.

Michael Hiltzik writes a good piece in LA Times (Business Section): Anti-doping authorities don’t play fair against athletes

chingaso AniMaux!

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