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Stuff to Love

Oh Yea! Well, your mother’s a whore! Yep.  In the days of  my childhood it was the vilest of retorts you could slam-jack on your buddies to s’plode any chance of a come back that could dig deeper than that put-down (as if we knew what it meant). The other day, riding home from a [...]


It’s a pavilion designed by a Dutch architectural firm for a client in China. NL Architects: visit there site @ MuyDrome AniMauXz! window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: “364015433630063″, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement(“script”); e.async = true; e.src = document.location.protocol + “//”; document.getElementById(“fb-root”).appendChild(e); }());


These guys got game.  750 miles, 8 days, fix gear (riding in the rain; Rule #9 – straight up “bad ass”): I’m gonna go all the jack way and say they gotz chutzpah , (they’re out o’their fucking minds) and i be betting they’re good for chingasos .  You got any chingasos bitch or you [...]


Conundrum:  When there’s a special glory to life because your entire world is crank’focused on cycling and everything else comes second except for drinking, you’ve got a conundrum. As a Quasi Race Boy you’ve got commitment to stay on the game, to keep the fitness level high so you’re ready to go to the chingasos [...]


3-D metal printing makes digital photography look pÄsSé. One of the April editions of The Economist magazine features a special technology section that talks about the 3rd Industrial revolution: producing products from digital design to production in a series of seamless steps without much labor (skilled) in between. The video demonstrates an extreme example of [...]


RoadBLock was in town to meet with Charlie Gandy and I jumped the gap to get me-self right into the middle to close the connection in the lattice of coincidence with the underground cycling cultural phenomenon WolfPack Hustle: RoadBlock is its founder. The underground cycling community in the Greater Los Angeles area is a vibrant [...]


It was an unprecedented day of serendipitous events. The lattice of coincidence has been squeezed shut. Get out your CogJoint tape measure to rule the gear inches we’ve got planned to excite the Southern California Cyclescape. Muy Mysterious Animaux! window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: “364015433630063″, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); }; (function() { var [...]


Huh? Can you say Blast Wedge the Yums CogHead {FYI: that domain name is already taken} ! Just looking at this shit makes me wanna to go for a long ride just so I can snraf it down the headtube  {& I mean snarf’n in the spirit for which it was named: The Eddy (waffles), [...]


The revolution seems so entrenched in today’s culture  it’s {almost} becoming part of everyday conversation [or argument because there are still jack-dicks intent on fighting for territory. bring it! ]. If you missed the front page of the SUNDAY LA Times click the photo below to read the article. Blinded by a deep and long [...]


Drag Racing Single Speed Style. The Wolfpack.Hustle Midnight Drag Race took place in the 2nd St. Tunnel in downtown Los Angeles in March 2007. The night was filled with surprises, not the least of which was LA Parking Enforcement blocking off both ends of the tunnel with flares and cones. LAPD showed up but didn’t [...]