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Stuff to Love


Remember Sunday is Earth Day {it’s a Cog-Joint Event®©™}. I’ll be riding from Long Beach up the L.A. River trail to downtown Los Angeles then head west to the L.A. County Museum of Art (LACMA) on Wilshire just west of La Brea to join LACMA’s Earth Day festivities.  Mr. Michael Bauch {of Long Beach} will [...]


Who Love’s Ya Baby? Sunday is Earth Day {opportunity for another Cog-Joint Event®©™∏} and we’re gonna participate in the celebration by jacking our bikes from Long Beach up the L.A. River trail to downtown Los Angeles and head west to the L.A. County Museum of Art (LACMA) on Wilshire just west of La Brea to [...]


BLAMO! CicLAvia April 2012: The streets in downtown Los Angeles were overflowingly crowded shoulder to shoulder, in both directions, curb to curb, with what seemed like a wondering horde of party seekers looking for fun and creating the celebration themselves, all at the same time, simultaneously, to jack-blast a gigantic festivity furnace into one of [...]


seriously. what the hUH(?) is a bike shop s’Poz to be?   it’s time for shops to transform themselves to be more than just a repository of  bicycling merchandise for sale; ain’t that’s what(z) the douBle-U.dOUbLe-u.doUBle-yoU’z  {www} beez’n all’bout. Maybe it’s a rough road to hoe (ya’hOE)  but the retail paradigm be shift’d.  Bike shops offer [...]

Men’s Keirin 2012 {UCI}.[Track Worlds]

Can you say fast . . . Muy Vitess Animaux! window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: “364015433630063″, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement(“script”); e.async = true; e.src = document.location.protocol + “//”; document.getElementById(“fb-root”).appendChild(e); }());


As I’ve always said; “What’s the use of being better than everybody if you can’t criticize them {or Fred-Bust them}.”  Therein lies the inspiration behind Fred-Hunting. The boyz are on their big-mileage binge getting ready for San Francisco to Long Beach, jacking themselves all up to get ready for the big adventure and on Friday [...]


In preparation for bike racing in masters events your fitness regimen has to have a plan.  DO  ya wanna jack the kings up the hill, sPlöûf Bubbles in the sprint and sPlîff the motor in the Peloton’s Party? HCG* & Testosterone treatments can help keep men healthy jacked into old age.  There’s an excellent article [...]


The lattice of coincidence is a powerful jacqi’maux co$Mic force. Today I happened to photograph some head badges at the Bicycle Stand (1824 East Broadway, just west of Cherry) and later, as serendipity demands, I discovered the artist, Angelina Elise, is having an art opening at Jet Studios in Long Beach. You know you want [...]


Bad ass: Campagnolo Knife This is an item floating around the net but I can’t locate a retail source so as to satisfy the Campy-Fetish Fix [cFF]. It doesn’t exist in Campy’s catalog either.   What the jack!?   It’s something you’d be sure to find in the Bunny Boy’s back pocket. Don’t be met’n wit [...]


NAHBS [North American Handmade Bicycle Show] / Sacramento / 2012 This builder’s show piece was a crowd stopper.  Single fork blade, single chain and sheet stay.  English Green.  Designed in 3D-CAD.  Frame custom paint by artist Geoff McFetridge. Visit his website: Muy Verde Animaux! window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: “364015433630063″, status: true, cookie: true, [...]