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Stuff to Love


NAHBS 2012: Sacramento A lot of the builders were bent-out and cramped-over for integrated custom stems and stainless steel.  You can get all-glean-washed and mesmerized by the glisten of the silvery steel and the impeccable craftsmanship. It’s sump’n like watching a pole dance or a camp fire. This stainless stem was built by Winter Bicycles [...]


Glory be to the power of faith and love.  One year ago, March 16, we pinned ours on Mike. When the Big Man whispered in his ear “Mike you gotta Pull Through, the Echelon needs you” he obliged him like the champion we know him to be. This morning Mike joined in and rolled along [...]


It’s a cranked-out/jack’d-off war between the one-coque(s) {ooh-KnOw-coques, mano-a-mano-sur-su-coque / monocoque as in uno-coque(s) / mondo-coque / u’r-a-cock } carbon frames and the TuBE bUtT-issue of uP-U’r-bUtT construction methodologies.  I know it’s mondo-compliKådo so you’ll just have to take my word for it.  Essentially, there’s a battle waging out there: the coque vs. your butt [...]


Ride your bicycle and jack-in some Autophagy. Autophagy: a self-eating (yum) process by which cells recycle their constituents; self-cannibalism. A paper just published in Nature by Beth Levine of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre has determined what it is about exercise that protects against a host of illnesses from heart attacks and dementia [...]


Off(set) Season Squat Training: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday {Januray – March: week 8 / 12 } Set No. 8 of 10: 10 reps @ 225lbs [4 x 45lb plates]. Takes about 35 seconds to jack the bar off the rack; gotta say a prayer to d’Squat Animaux. Tuesday Night Squats: 1 warm-up (wu)+ 10 sets Set [...]


I want to thank everyone in the Peloton, the Echelon, the Paceline, Off the Front and Off the Back for making it all possible. Please, let me thank the Water-Carriers and the Stars, the Domestics, Soigneurs, les Masseuses, Team Support and most of all the Fans and Freddies. Take a Bow Animaux! window.fbAsyncInit = function() [...]


Yesterday’s feature mentioned LandShark Bicycles:  Andy Hampsten animauxed the Pink Jersey in the Giro d’Italia [1988]  spunking a Huffy built by John Slawta, the one man LandShark framebuilder.  John Slawta’s roots run deep in the cycling community. Visit the website; John Slawta is apparently only building carbon fiber bikes these days. John is the quintessential [...]


as witness to quasi racer-boyz’ existentialism and the decadent philosophy of  herr uber-nietzsche in the dictates of all things uber-freddie’alles, it is apparent that steel is no longer real but rather, steel is dead.  carbon fiber leads the hyper-jack’d technological advancement in material science in frame building and represents the moral decline of a cultural [...]


Here it is! North American Handmade Bicycle Show March 2-4 Sacramento Last year you would have had to go all the way to Austin Texas for the show.  This year it’s practically in our back yard. Beer Drinking and Bike Porn Jack’d-up the extreme. Visit the NAHBS Website: Steel Pony Animaux! window.fbAsyncInit = function() [...]


Through [our old friend] I stumbled onto Convoy at Tumbler.  Convoy drills in on essential living ideals and can’t help to include something about bikes on every page.  Full of inspiration.  Have a visit. Tumbler doesn’t credit the photos they’ve included so I’ve got to do some research to see where we can find [...]