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Stuff to Love


The peloton in its youth: All pimped-up and spanked out. From the left: Frank Picarelli: molto spunked-over in his bella figura & all jack-9′d n’such Dirk: high-beaming the big pearly whites like he gonna be get’n some ô’dåt Cubanita: coy and devilish with those cute eyes whispering “ay! no tengo nada por ti . . [...]


flat tire; no tubes, no air-juice, nada.   henry (mijo) and i rode our bikes to second street yesterday and he got a flat. no spare tubes, no air-junk; rien de rien. like any reasonable human-bean, henry was ready to walk the bike home.  “no Mijo! no. just ride it. you can ride that thing on [...]


waz’up my buckwheat!!  you better get yo’mo’foo ass in gear! the freddie peloton’s buckwheat is built like a sprinter; mr. buckwheat in the raleigh poster looks like he be a sprinter {see’m laughing at mr. lion} and a hill climber too (animaux!). thinking about buckwheat makes me all nostalgic for my childhood watching spanky & [...]


in the north east, weather is something that’s all jacked-out like a full tilt storm that sweeps the streets bare [except for rule-9 riders]. the velominati boys have a rule for every situation and rule-9 speaks specifically to your embarrassment.  last saturday’s non-ride was the first weekend-ride blown out due to rain (¿huh?).  you can [...]


Shit. What is it, January? The sO.Cal race season seems to start earlier and earlier every year and doesn’t settle into the sunset til late September and beyond.  It’s telling; the sport ebbs and flows; participation in racing waxes and wanes;  Southern California is a barometer of the enthusiasm for all things cycling {given the [...]


When you live the life of a {Quasi} Bike Racer, you’re constantly training to maximize your potential for performance.  No one wants to get dropped and everyone wants to deliver a little bit of suffering; it’s what makes the day complete.  If you can’t give your friends grief you can’t give them anything at all.  [...]


looks like this rider might be one of the team domestiques coming off the back to fill the basket with energy supplies for the stars on the other hand ^ if she was in the peloton {just for her amusement & entertain ^ ment}^ sand-bagging it^  someone whould hafta ride’r off da back . . [...]


The Freddie Peloton is defined by the quasi bike-racer who lives without regard to the off-season♣. Traditionally, it’s the off-season that provides time for spiritual recovery, re-building core-fitness, working on specific weaknesses, developing deep muscle strength.  Everyday is performance season for the Quasi-Race Freddie [QRF] and rest just seems like an oxymoron, a contradiction to [...]


Huh? Is this a dream come true? The SongBird did some research’n and look what showed up. I’m wondering why come the local shops ain’t carrying Stinger products? (Gonna find out who carries the junk.) When you review the numbers you can see there’s not much difference between Stingers and honey; the little packets of [...]


Serving:32g ~4 figs Honey GU PyGmy sCröTs (Dried Figs) vs. Honey.vs. GU(Goo) Calories 80 97 100 Total Fat 0.3g 0g 0g Sodium 3mg 1mg 55mg Potassium 218mg 17mg 45mg Total Carb 19.73g 26.37g 25g Sugars 16.8g 26.3g 5g Protein 1.06g 0g 0g Vitamin C .4mg .2mg ~82mg Vitamin E .11mg NA 14mg Calcium 52mg 2mg [...]