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Stuff to Love


It was the First annual Jingle Bell Ride. On Friday, 12-23-2011, we went up the L.A. River trail from the mighty Tortuga’s Long Beach Cyclery in Bixby Knolls, Long Beach, to 3rd and Traction in the Arts District in Downtown Los Angeles for lunch at the Wurstküche. The goal is to make the JBR an [...]


Nutrient (100 grams) Granola-Bar Ding-Dong Protein 7.7g 3.9g Total lipid (fat) 6.3g 24.2g Carbohydrate, by difference 77.4g 56,7g Ash 1.4g 1.57g Energy 397kcal 460kcal Water 7.2g 12.5g Sugars, total 43.2g 40.5g Fiber, total dietary 5.3g 2.3g Calcium, Ca 36mg 4mg Iron, Fe 5.3mg 2.3mg Potassium, K 238mg Sodium, Na 251mg 301mg Cholesterol 17mg Fatty acids, [...]


When you get home, first thing to do after you walk through the door: drink a glass of water. You know you don’t drink enough water and chances are you’re dehydrated. Every stroke of the pedal is turning your muscle into jerky.  You count every mile, complement every exercise, consider all things fitness but you [...]


There was A LOT of FAT in that New Year’s Day Peloton {you know what I mean}.  There were some fit boys but even some of the fastest got a little bit of muffin top and a pretty soft center {you know who you are}. We love riding the bike; Great exercise; Keeps you fit;  [...]


Today is the day of our reckoning.  The year is complete.  All the miles have been posted. There are no more chances to redeem yourself.  You’re either content or disappointed – it’s your choice. Go ahead & bask in your glory [or not if you didn't achieve glory for yourself because you're weak; you know [...]


In the 50s Abstract Expressionism, a purely unique American art movement, brought the United States onto the world art stage. Before the Irascibles‡ hit the scene, America was just a sleepy provincial art community with no international clout. In the mid-80s Hugo Boss gained significant momentum in defining a unique American style for men’s clothing, [...]


47 tHoUsAnDtHs.(oF) 1% (0.047%) El Cuñado {Cuño} (brother-in-law / jOeL; the DaGwOoD) and Guero are neck in neck in the final days before Tabula Rasa 2012 when the mileage tallies drop to zero faster than the ball in Times Square. El Cuñado and Guero have ridden their two wheel ponies 8547 and 8543 miles, respectively, [...]


Señor St. Frêddy Claus surprises the kids with kick-ass Christmas Swag these days. He delivered a spunking jack’d out scribble-scrabble to my boys this year; a drawing tablet by Wacom that can be used to digitally sketch directly into Photoshop. Drawing by Henry: Nous avons, ici, l’Animaux del peloton; a work of artistic expression as [...]


Jack Spade makes some jacked-out, low poser profiled {i.e., obvious}, designed shit.  It’s stuff that’s slightly under the typical cycling fashionista’s {i.e., obvious as in “you’r a poser”} gear radar. The apparent detail to quality and con{struc}tion makes me believe these bags are built to withstand hard steed wrangling, but none of the bags have a [...]


There’s a special glory to life when your entire world is jack’focused on cycling and everything else comes second.  Come to think of it, that defines a rule {or it should} and you gotta live by the rules. The peloton I run with is a tough mo’Fo hard-ass crowd and you gotta take the flak [...]