Tuesday: Von.Boyaggi.Boyz stop in paradise for a little gelato & cappuccino. The blue in the background on the upper left is Lake Trasimeno, south-east of Cortona. You can see the lake in the map below. FYI: Lake Trasimeno is the second largest lake in Italy; shallow, muddy, rich in fish, including pike, carp, and tench; [...]
Posted: October 11th, 2011 under Features.
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News from Cortona Italy: According to Guero, the Von Boyaggi Boys got shelled by the skinny super fit Italians. Apparently Il Duce Wehrlisimo pre-entered them into something like a regional championship race. Three laps and the Italianos gas’d it right from the get-go. Each lap had some good tough climbing. It was equivalent to a [...]
Posted: October 10th, 2011 under Features.
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California Senate Bill 910 would have required automobiles to pass bicyclists with a margin of collision no less than 3 feet. Jerry Brown veto’d the bill. According to the proposed law, if a vehicle could not pass with a 3 foot margin of collision, the motorist must slow to at least 15 mph. It’s this [...]
Posted: October 9th, 2011 under Advocacy, Features.
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7 flats/28 riders on the Tour d’ FredDiego. The Mexican had 3. L’UberFred insisted the flats were patch failures. In defense of one of the principles of the Zen of Cycling [i.e., tube patching] and based on sound, scientific observation [i.e., the Mexican takes notes], properly patched tubes experience fewer failures than new tube failures [...]
Posted: October 8th, 2011 under Features, Repair: Tires/Tubes.
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It’Z.cOmMiNK [or iT'z ALrEAdY.aRRreeved]:CArgO.bOOm
There’s a movement gathering and it’s [picking up] momentum. Yeaaaaaaa . . . there’s an idea. . . gonna get a cargo bike. Cargo Bikes to Pizza Port Solana Beach. produced by www.lizcanning.com window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: “364015433630063″, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement(“script”); e.async = true; [...]
Posted: October 7th, 2011 under Features.
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Bon.Voyage.:.Steve Jobs.Rest.in.Peace.
Steve Jobs, “Computers are like a bicycle for our minds.” Steve Jobs: 1955 – 2011 window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: “364015433630063″, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement(“script”); e.async = true; e.src = document.location.protocol + “//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js”; document.getElementById(“fb-root”).appendChild(e); }());
Posted: October 6th, 2011 under Features.
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Von Boyaggi Freddricos! Oh Yea! The von-boyaggi boys are leaving tomorrow [Thursday] afternoon for T’Mo’s Gran Fondo in and around Cortona Italy for 9 days. It’s la grande festa to continue the celebration of Wehrlisimo’s 50th birthday [which actually took place in June]. They’ll be entering a local race on Sunday to set the festivities [...]
Posted: October 5th, 2011 under Features.
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The AcaVengo Gear Chart: best gear chart I’ve seen. Use the Advanced Options to limit the chart to the chainrings and cogs on your pony; the chart shows the gear size (number of inches) for each [chainring ¤ cog] combo. For the uninitiated, gear size is the number of inches you roll forward with every [...]
Posted: October 4th, 2011 under Features.
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While riding home from Bixby Knolls along the new bicycle corridor on Conant Street [it traverses the north side of the Long Beach Airport] I catch up to another city cyclist at the signal. He asks “Did you know Mark Bixby? I have one of those stickers on my guitar case. I’m good friends with [...]
Posted: October 3rd, 2011 under Features.
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sINgLE.SpEEd.sEAsOn>Opens Monday [10-3-2011]
It’s single speed season. If you’ve got vertical drop-outs, you’ll have to convert your road bike; you’ll need a single speed chain tensioner like the Paul Comp Melvin pictured on the left [there are dozens on the market - Paul Comp stuff is extra groovy]. One cog and spacer(s) will turn your cassette body into [...]
Posted: October 2nd, 2011 under Features.
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