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Stuff to Love


Laura [Lindgren] wins the TT.  Scott Raymond and Frank Schroeder win the Tandem TT.  Billy Harris had an unfortunate crash in the Crit.  In the photo below you can see Billy with two other riders getting away from the field.   With two laps to go, in a break,  one of the riders in front of [...]


Some say cyclists are the fittest athletes on the planet. But boxers have some cool panache.  Boxing’s got Don King.  Now that’s hard to beat. Boxers and Cyclist are brothers in a few regards:  They’re both waiting for the bell to ring;  Cyclists got podium girls and boxers got hot ring card girls.  Jewels. Kits [...]


Janette Sadik-Khan [51] is the current Commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation, appointed by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in April, 2007.  She is responsible for making New York City more bicycle friendly and she’s transforming the urban landscape in terms of livability.  See Esquire’s article about Ms. JS-K: 1 of [...]


Social Media & Cycling: In preparation for Interbike, has published a list of their top 50 blog sites dedicated to cycling.  It’s worth the visit. The list was compliled by Yann Ropars, one of two principals at; I’m planning to meet with him at Interbike next month so we can blahblah about bikes, [...]


Suddenly the button has gone viral.  A lot of riders in Chronic Taco kits have been asked lately [on Pacific Coast Highway between Long Beach & Carlsbad] if they had any buttons. Personally, I was asked by at least a couple of dozen riders last weekend if I had any buttons. Time for a second [...]


This week son dos (2) big motors: •Diesel Engine [SuperFreddie] •Señor Tomandos [Mr. Bubbles] MIA: •El’Assassin [Tortuga] •The Executioner [UberFred] Thursday Circle Jerk [El Dorado Park 6:15am]: On the final lap I wasn’t sure if we were doing Match-Sprints or Crit-Style-Sprints.  No one was willing to sacrifice in order to get the speed up. Mr.BUbbbbbbbles [...]


If a picture is worth a thousand words, this one is worth a terabyte. The doctors said Stryker went to the other side.  Since then he’s been making the return trip home:  10 weeks off the bike, in recovery from a heart attack can wreck havoc on a man’s soul, but there he is, ready [...]


In 1986 Team 7-Eleven raced the Tour de France [TdF]  and the young Alex Stieda [25] had won all four (4) jerseys of the TdF: the Yellow, Polka Dot, Green, and White, on the second (2nd) day of the Tour.  He was the first North American to wear Yellow. This picture is from Shelley Verses [...]


This week son tres (3) big motors: •El’Assassin [Tortuga] •The Executioner [UberFred] •Señor Tomandos [Mr. Bubbles] Señor Bubbles was intent on protecting his territory [i.e., repress the Mexican - win the sprint].  The Executioner is ready to decapitate the Mexican, so he was intent on spilling blood but he’s suffering under the weight of his [...]

iNcOmPaRabLe.Danny Macaskill.-.oUT.DoIng’emSeLF

Danny MacAskill’s ‘Industrial Revolutions’ [246,783 views on YouTube] As you can see, Mr. MacAskill shows off his incomparable and incredible talent in an abandon ironworks and railway yard in Scotland.  His skill is, to put it simply, overwhelming bad ass. This clip was filmed by Cut Media/MTBcut’s Stu Thomson for Concrete Circus, a TV documentary [...]