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Archive for 'Fashion'


Rapha does marketing extremely well but their emphasis on splattering their clothing with the brand is in danger of making the brand the product.   When product design is exceptional and a line of product is deep and relevant to customers’ needs  {& Rapha does both of those things well} you don’t need to bludgeon the [...]


Today [Tuesday 07-17] is a rest day for the riders in the Tour de France.  You’ll find Wiggins wandering around town, lounging in the hotel or on the team bus, dapper and mod in his “Après-Attack” attire fashioned by Fred Perry. “My goal has been to develop an authentic, non technical range of off cycle [...]


In the 50s Abstract Expressionism, a purely unique American art movement, brought the United States onto the world art stage. Before the Irascibles‡ hit the scene, America was just a sleepy provincial art community with no international clout. In the mid-80s Hugo Boss gained significant momentum in defining a unique American style for men’s clothing, [...]


47 tHoUsAnDtHs.(oF) 1% (0.047%) El Cuñado {Cuño} (brother-in-law / jOeL; the DaGwOoD) and Guero are neck in neck in the final days before Tabula Rasa 2012 when the mileage tallies drop to zero faster than the ball in Times Square. El Cuñado and Guero have ridden their two wheel ponies 8547 and 8543 miles, respectively, [...]


Recall the post about our Downtown L.A. Fashionista on Traction near the Wurstküche? Well, Mr. Fashionista, your velo-style inspiration has been jacked wide open.  I stumbled upon his backpack through a link from the very groovy site; As Mr. JJJJound demonstrates the highest in esthetic regard, applying the associative property of style influence [ [...]


Levi Strauss has introduced a pair of pants for cyclists.  This speaks volumes about the cycling movement.  Visit the Levi’s website.  Watch out Outlier! [Visit Outlier's website too.] window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: “364015433630063″, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement(“script”); e.async = true; e.src = document.location.protocol + “//”; [...]