Archive for 'Features'
I found a sUpEr-KoOL Jack’d-ouT bike shop at 1157 Long Beach Blvd [near Anaheim]: The Long Beach Bike Connection. They’re over-stocked with lot’s of cool junk. They must have 100 used bikes on the floor and lots of them worth their weight in gold for city riding. Their entire inventory is used bicycles with about [...]
Posted: March 28th, 2012 under Bike Shops, Features.
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Levi Strauss is continuing their market push to stay relevant with products designed for the new pedaling revolution; pants for the commuter and a new revamped version of the classic Levi’s Trucker Jacket styled for the new bred of Rig-Riders{™©®} in mind. Levi’s® is planning a 5-day 5-city launch event: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Austin, Brooklyn [...]
Posted: March 25th, 2012 under Features.
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There’s a stretch of retail thriving on 1st Street in Long Beach between Elm & Linden and groans around the block as well. It’s part of the East Village Art’s district; a little like Melrose on a smaller scale. I stopped at the The Academy (a small clothing store) and found a pair of kick [...]
Posted: March 24th, 2012 under Features.
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For years, even in my youth, waking up in the morning has never been one of those televised events of a glorious experience of sunshine & morning dew freshness; it always feels like I’ve been run over by a truck. Smack damn. The other day after a hard peloton session in the morning, freighted up [...]
Posted: March 22nd, 2012 under Features.
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bike racers like to compete. it’s the nature of the beast. wanna haLf wHeel mE? bITcH!! race up the hill? bITcH! stRaVa segMenTs? bITcH! drop the hAmmER on yOR’aSs! ? bITcH?! rULe V. bITcH!! you’re wEAk. bITcH!!! shLAm tHe shLoNG. bITcH!! dROpPeD yoUR aSs. bITcH! aRm.wReSTle me NoW. bITcH !!! Quien eS’Ta dA’bITcH nOw Animaux! [...]
Posted: March 20th, 2012 under Features.
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The boys were at it again and we missed out. Remember CarMageddon (?) when da’WolfPackHustle boys raced JetBlue from Burbank to Long Beach and kicked ass! The WolfPack promoted the LA Marathon Crash Race with a rolling start that rocketed off at 4:00am before the official start of the running event. They had 2000 [...]
Posted: March 18th, 2012 under Features.
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There was a day when 90+% of custom frame consumption came from the race crowd, however, the refinements in carbon technology {specifically the coque’d-out gjemmie-jigs} have essentially annihilated the original customer base as the fetish focus shifted but the new pedaling revolution has blown life back into the industry as the urban street jacqondas have [...]
Posted: March 17th, 2012 under Features.
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Mark Bixby > RIP
Mark Llewellyn Bixby 6/26/1966 – 03/16/2011 Visit the Long Beach Post to see other photos featured in an article (written last year) about Mark’s memorial services: Some pictures contributed by friends: window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: “364015433630063″, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement(“script”); e.async = true; [...]
Posted: March 14th, 2012 under Features.
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Seth; south bay freddie, yaeger-yanker-obsequi’ondo; self-proclaimed jock-sniffer; maxi-pad consumptionator. [There's something complementary in those last two descriptors.] Solvang: (as the story goes . . .) Mr Seth was apparently running scared after Santa Maria {he, Harry and his sainted Yaeger couldn’t shake the peloton} and revealed the cheap side of his cycling character with a [...]
Posted: March 10th, 2012 under Features.
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NAHBS 2012: Sacramento A lot of the builders were bent-out and cramped-over for integrated custom stems and stainless steel. You can get all-glean-washed and mesmerized by the glisten of the silvery steel and the impeccable craftsmanship. It’s sump’n like watching a pole dance or a camp fire. This stainless stem was built by Winter Bicycles [...]
Posted: March 8th, 2012 under Features.
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